York County Community College has had thousands of students of all ages take classes here. We are proud to say that many former students have become leaders in many fields including business, government and the arts.

On these pages, our goal is to provide ways for you, our former students, to find and communicate with old friends; keep track of upcoming alumni events; update your alumni profile; send us your news; and explore the many opportunities for alumni volunteers, as well as the importance of alumni giving

Please login to use this portlet
You can update your information so we can continue to share the wonderful news at York County Community College.  Here's how:
Go to the "Sign On" Bar next to your name.  Click on "Personal Info."
Click on "Privacy Settings" Tab.  Check each area that you wish to display to others.  Note at the bottom of the page you can select to show your information in the "Campus Directory" as well.  Once completed, click "Submit."
To change your Name and/or Address, click on "Biographical Tab."  Click on the Pencil next to Name and Address.  Enter information in the "Updated Information" Screen.  Click Submit.  Note: All information will be updated within a few days.
You will also be able to add a photo, change your password and add custom information as desired.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the Alumni Office at 207-216-4466.