The mission of Campus Safety is to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone on the YCCC Campus. The office is located just inside of the main building. Please feel free to stop by anytime with questions or concerns.

Emergency Communications: In order to receive the latest alerts, we recommend that everyone in the college community logs in to the RAVE alert system (use your YCCC log in)  Please contact this office if you have trouble signing in. 

Services Offered:

  • Conduct Emergency Procedures Training – For Students during New Student Orientations (NSO). For Faculty and Staff throughout the academic year.
  • Respond to emergencies on campus. Take appropriate actions which include investigating, reporting, and making recommendations, etc.
  • Create ID Badges.
  • Conduct lobby informational tables.
  • Investigate suspicious behavior.
  • Patrols buildings and parking lots.

Miscellaneous Services:

  • Jump start a car
  • Put air in a tire
  • Escort to your car
  • Lost & Found
  • Motor Vehicle Unlocks

For more information please contact:

Anthony Bossi III

York County Community College

Director of Campus Safety

112 College Drive

Wells, ME 04090


Other Important Contact Info

Emergency: 911

Campus Safety Desk: 207-216-4413

Maine Suicide Prevention & Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112 or Text 988





