The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) is to develop, revise, and evaluate the College’s Strategic Plan, drawing upon input from all stakeholders and integrating data collected throughout the planning process. The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible to develop the Strategic Plan and forward its recommendations and revisions to College Council for final approval by the President. The Committee is further responsible for the timely alignment of the strategic plan with the changing environment and the needs of our community and students.
2019-2020 SPC Membership
Danielle Ebbrecht
Academic Affairs representative, appointed by the VP/Dean of Academic Affairs
Paul Gurney
Finance representative, appointed by the Dean of Finance
Brittany Heaward
Student Affairs representative, appointed by the Dean of Students
Nicholas Gill (Chair)
Associate Dean of Institutional Research and Planning
Dave Susman
Faculty Representative
Lisa Murphy |
Faculty Representative
Kristen Weigand
Staff-selected Representative
Student Representative