A Culture of Assessment: Continuous Quality Improvement

York County Community College is committed to a process of continuous quality improvement that incorporates institutional assessment, budget management, and strategic planning.

Assessment at YCCC is the ongoing & systematic evaluation of all campus operations, support services, and instructional programs as a means of determining institutional effectiveness and the fulfillment of the College's mission and purposes. 

FMI Creating a Culture of Assessment


           AY 2019-2020 Committee Members

Chair Amber Tatnall, Director of Library and Assessment  

Jason Arey, Dean of Students

Claudette Dupee, Director of Retention Services

Nicholas Gill, Associate Dean of IR & Planning

Dianne Fallon, English Chair

Maria Niswonger, Natural Sciences Chair

Doreen Rogan, Dean of Academic Affairs

Annette Tanguay, Librarian

Current Bylaws & Assessment Manual

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From the Association of American Colleges & Universities https://www.aacu.org/value

Assessment Projects

Program Assessment Projects

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Community College Survey of Student Engagement

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AY 16-17 Minutes and Reports

AY 15-16 Minutes and Reports

AY 14-15 Minutes and Reports

AY 13-14 Minutes and Reports

AY 12-13 Minutes and Reports

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AY 11-12 Minutes and Reports